
目前顯示的是 6月, 2009的文章


所以來向大家推薦我最近發現的正團 Loquat ,直接翻譯就叫做 枇杷 。 這株從加州舊金山長出來的枇杷主走瑞典輕快涼爽的電子、流行曲風,目前發行專輯兩張。 底下推薦收錄在2005年第一張專輯It's yours to keep中的 Swingset Chain。 (不過youtube上的應該不是album version,沒差,也讚) 據說這首歌會勾起人的哪絲道甲(nostalgia)也就是思鄉、懷舊的鄉愁之情。 歌詞跟曲子蠻可愛,不過無法勾起我的鄉愁,因為我每天都嘛回家睡覺愁個屁阿。 There's a playground that we used to run on The penny-drop that broke her arm The monkey bars that you fell from The swingset chain that stuck with my tongue It's thirty below and we're far gone If you plant yourself here I wouldn't miss you for long But then comes the day when you leave town I'm back to the way I was when you weren't around If you want to know what that was like I'll tell you first, it was way too quiet It rained a hundred nineteen days of the year I spent my time falling down the stairs I know I can't tie you to a leash But something tells me you'd go further than Greece And then I'll have to figure out what to do I'm kind of afraid I'm co-dependent on you I'm freaking ...


瑜珈探究的對象是自我,而自我就寄居於肉體之中。-瑜伽解剖書 講寄居蠻妙的,好像寄居蟹隨時可以啵的一聲拔出來,所以我認為應該修改成:瑜珈探究的對象是自我,而自我就根基於肉體之中。 擁有什麼樣的肉體,就會擁有什麼樣的個性。基因決定身體態樣的大方向,待腦部發育到能夠有意識的控制肌肉時,開始自己決定身體接下來的發展,儘管天生的框架已經固定,仍然存在許多改變的空間。所以反過來說,擁有什麼樣的個性,就會擁有什麼樣的肉體亦成立。 Man can only be free through mastery of himself. 唯有瞭解自己,才能得到自由。 要瞭解自己,從身體開始是個不錯的主意。