
目前顯示的是 11月, 2008的文章


Red Hot Chili Peppers 的 Anthony Kiedis 幫 Flea 寫的求婚歌 Hard to concentrate 這個時候聽真是太應景, 西子劇坊前前社長阿爆嫁給波多黎各帥哥, 將來要在美國一起生活。 西子劇坊香港港妹要嫁給高雄型男, 將來應該還是在高雄一起生活。 喜事二連發!恭喜大家! Hustle Bustle And so much muscle Our cells about to separate Now I find it hard to concentrate And temporary, this cash and carry I’m stepping up to indicate The time has come to deviate and All I want is for you to be happy And take this moment to make you my family And finally you have found something perfect And finally you have found… Death defying, this mess I’m buying It’s raining down with love and hate Now I find it hard to motivate And estuary is blessed but scary Our hearts about to palpitate And I’m not about to hesitate And want to treasure the rest of your days here And give you pleasure in so many ways, dear And finally you have found something perfect And finally you have found… Here we go. Do you want me to show up for duty? And serve this woman and honor her beauty? And finally you have found something perfect ...

沒有聲音的世界- Sweet Nothing in My Ear

今年,繼蝙蝠俠-黑暗騎士之後,第二部讓我目不轉睛黏在椅子上的影片。 IMDB簡介 失聰是不是一種殘障? 沒有聲音的世界和有聲音的世界其實是兩個不同的世界,儘管其他的一切都沒有任何差別? 可不可以決定他人的人生,如果那個人是你的兒子或女兒? 劇情到底有多貼近真實的情況我不清楚, 但是影片中提到的 deaf culture (聾人文化)以及聾人的優越感、是否裝上電子耳的議題很令人震撼。雖然影片中的幾個角色的信念過於極端,但許多精彩的辯論與觀念碰撞讓這部影片看起來十分過癮。 除了手語的唇槍舌戰外,這也是部充滿愛的影片,很適合在冷冷的冬天看。 推薦給大家,中文片名:傾聽我心。敬請密切注意HBO!!(免費幫HBO打起廣告來了...)